“Of course, money is part of personal wealth, but so is love, inner peace, harmony, beauty, joy…” ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach


These days, many among us are concerned about the money aspect of wealth, what we need to meet expenses. Concern is natural. Fear is natural and understandable too. But fear can keep us from thinking creatively, recognizing opportunities, and responding in the wisest ways. 

Whatever our money situation is now, and at any time, we can increase our inner wealth and use it to diminish fear, face challenges, and triumph. Truly. 

The more we recognize and appreciate our inner wealth, the more it will grow. Our self-worth will too, which leads to greater chances of success in all that we do. Does this make sense to you? So how do we better see and appreciate our inner wealth, expecially if we are feeling poorly and poor?

Here’s one idea. At the start of each day, pick one of The Twelve Gifts and invest in it. Give it attention and interest. I suggest starting with strength. Recall a time when you needed it.

Country singer Loretta Lynn said she found it interesting to pinpoint the first time “you had to reach inside yourself and pull out strength you didn’t know you had.”

Let your memory of that time be a touchstone symbol and reminder for you. You have more strength than you realize. We all do. We all have more of each of these Twelve Gifts:

Strength. Beauty. Courage. Compassion. Hope. Joy. Talent. Imagination. Reverence. Wisdom. Love. Faith


“At the wondrous moment you were born, as you took your first breath, a great celebration was held in the heavens and twelve magnificent gifts were granted to you.” – from The Twelve Gifts of Birth

#innerwealth #well-being #innerpeace #money #wealth #strength #TheTwelveGifts #CharleneCostanzo #Touchstone #gifts #wisdom #courage #self-worth #buildingselfworth  #motivational words  #dailyinspiration

This entry was posted on August 26, 2020, in BeautyCompassionCourageFaithGratitudeHopeImaginationInspirationJOYLoveMindfulnessPeaceReverenceSpiritualityStrengthTalentToday's TouchstoneToolsTouchstoneWisdom and tagged building self-worthdaily inspirationfaithHopeimaginationinner strengthinspirationUsing courageWisdom.

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