Posts in Guiding Words

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”  - Paulo Coelho

 So let's love. Let's hope. Let's uplift ourselves and reach for the best within us and around us. Let’s envision better ways ahead and strive toward them.

We face challenges, but are things as bad as the doomsday, constant fault-finders are proclaiming?

And how do we best respond to the divisiveness and hostility we see? To mean-spirited rhetoric, disrespect, and violence?

My heart is encouraging me to take the high road and stay on it. If I am going to walk my talk, I've got to make room in my heart for extra loving prayers for everyone who seems misguided. For all who have lost healthy perspectives, a value for harmony, a willingness to find common ground, and a caring for the good of all. For all who are angry, afraid, and hurting.

More than ever, I’m feeling urged to write about the power and potential within each of us to make a difference in these uncertain times. Even to preach about it. We really can promote healing, harmony, and well-being among us by being loving and kind, by holding hope, by being real, by listening to understand, and by spreading joy.

Yes, it sometimes looks as if the challenges we face are too big and complicated for us to play a part in resolving and correcting them. But I believe the seemingly small "high road" choices we make every day can positively influence every aspect in our personal lives, our communities, and the world.

When we notice the negatives, when we see forces that seem to want to make us afraid and weaken us, instead of dwelling on them, let's shift our attention and intentions to bringing “good things to life."

We really can do that. So let’s notice the goodness and beauty inside and outside of us. Let’s be life-affirming nurturers who are generous with smiles, praise, and gratitude.

And let’s keep all those who seem to be low on love and hope in our prayers and best wishes for health, well-being, and the happiness that comes from loving.


“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”  - Paulo Coelho

#Love #Hope #TheTwelveGifts #TodaysTouchstone #Lifeaffirming #CharleneCostanzo #inspirationalquotes #healing #making a difference

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After three years of keeping cancer at bay, the growth of leukemia cells in my mom’s body began to increase rapidly. When an infection took hold too, my mom was admitted to the hospital. I flew from Arizona to New Jersey to be with her.

Whenever I recall a particular walk with her, I see her wearing her favorite pink sweater. I can almost feel her hand and arm resting on my arm for support. With her right hand she pushed her IV pole. Slowly, with small steps, we made our way around the corridor, pausing at each room. When a patient made eye contact, my mom smiled and said, “Hello.” At the doorway of each sleeping patient, she let go of the IV pole and offered a little sign-of-the-cross blessing with her hand.

At the nurses’ station, Mom stopped and thanked everyone for their care. Upon returning to her room, I helped my mom back into bed. As her head touched the pillow, she was asleep.

Sinking into the comfortable lounger next to Mom’s bed, I noticed the soft rays of September sunlight cascading across her body. Through the opened window, I heard the laughter of children and the drone of a distant lawn mower. I breathed in the fragrance of fresh cut grass. Somehow, despite my mother nearing death, everything seemed right and beautiful in the world.

Instead of opening the book in my lap and reading to pass the time, I simply sat in what felt like a sacred moment.

Suddenly, in that state of peace, I heard in my body: What you do with your time and talent is critically important. Pay attention. And I knew that meant that Someday had arrived for me and that those guiding words are true for you, for everyone.

Might your Someday be now?

More to come.

With love,

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