Both of my four-year old grandchildren, Alexis and Anthony, recently asked, “What’s beauty, Nana?” It was after hearing the chorus of the song, I See Beauty.I see beauty, all around me Inside you and be I see beauty.I found it tricky to answer. What would you say?It’s interesting that they asked “What is beauty?” because they will often say “That is beautiful” about many things, such as the sky, trees, flowers, rainbows… the natural world. Already a girly girl, Alexis also comments on pink clothing, shoes, and princess items as “beautiful.”But since we’ve been playing the song now and then, I think that are starting to understand the essence of beauty itself. The rest of the lyrics are helping:I see beauty all around From the sky down to the ground in the flowers in the trees Inside you and me.I see beauty every day In hugs and smiles that come my way In everything we say and do It flows through me and you.Yes, The Twelve Gifts of Birth Music is a help. So is the book, Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids. Check them both out for the children in your life.We can also watch for opportunities to comment and say things like, “Ah-ha. I see beauty right now in the way you are... being kind, helping your sister, caring about your friend, sharing your toy, being truthful, apologizing, forgiving...As the song goes, let’s aim to see beauty everywhere, especially inside you and me.