We Strength

We Strength

I met Peggy on the grounds of The Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. Also known as "The Casa," the Center is considered by many people to be a sacred place that offers strength from the site itself as well as through its programs and retreats.

After strolling along the meditation trails and the path of the labyrinth, Peggy and I sat in the shade of a ramada. There, we got to talking about forms of strength, such as stamina, fortitude, determination, and willpower.

Then we opened up and shared stories about times we needed to call upon strength.

"This is the form of strength I most appreciate," said Peggy. "We Strength."

"We Strength...what's that?" I asked.

"Every time I allow myself to be vulnerable and completely honest with someone I trust, I am enormously strengthened," said Peggy. "And it seems that the other person is filled with strength also. It's a 'we' kind of strength. We Strength."

Feeling empowered and expansive myself as well as connected with Peggy in shared strength, I understood Peggy's perspective. 

We Strength. Seemingly so unlike robustness, toughness, hardiness, resoluteness, firmness, spunk, grit, persistence, endurance, force, ruggedness, and many other words that name an aspect of strength. But a form of true strength indeed.