
"My own path towards wellness has been a long and dynamic one. It's taught me that healing from the inside out takes time and there can be great value in various sources of guidance."      - Carre OtisWhat is your path like? What does it include?

Mine follows a trail through hope and faith while tapping into strength and courage; applying lots of kindness and self-compassion; daily doses of joy; appreciating beauty in many forms; time in nature...and more...including prayer; meditation; inspirational reading; savoring scents, sights, sounds and tastes...touch in dry body brushing, gentle massage, warm salted and essential-oil-scented baths and Reiki treatments; visualization...that's a major one! Do you visualize the outcomes you desire? What promotes well-being for you? What helps you heal? 

I'd love to hear from you! 

(This photo was taken by me while walking on a path near our home when my husband and I lived in Sedona, Arizona. I was healing from lymphoma at the time. Along with standard medical chemotherapy, I did "apply" daily doses of The Twelve Gifts. Love, joy, beauty, hope, faith, compassion..they all promote healing and well-being.)