
“O God, help me to believe the truth about myself – no matter how beautiful it is!” ~ Macrina Wiederkehr 


Were you surprised when you got to the word beautiful? I was. But maybe you were present and tuned in as you read today's quote. So you tapped right in to the truth. We're more likely to sense positive words ahead in sentences like this one when we're reading mindfully. But, without mindfulness, old default words can spring up automatically, like a leg's reflexive kick to a kneecap tap.

Please read it again:“O God, help me to believe the truth about myself – no matter how ___________ it is! How might your mind fill in the blank automatically? How does your heart's wisdom fill it in? Repeat this little prayer several times throughout this day. Keep in it the word beautiful.

As part of my new self-care plan, I will be saying this prayer once every day until February 14th. Please join me. We'll check in with each other here on Valentine's Day to see what we experienced.  Are you in? I hope so.    

Someday the truth of our beauty will seep into every thread of our knowing and fill every fiber of our being. Someday we'll not only believe we have the gift of beauty, we'll live it. And our deeds will indeed reflect the depth of the beauty in us.

With love and joy,
