Eye to Eye - Heart to Heart

Eye to Eye - Heart to Heart

"It's not so much knowing when to speak, but when to pause."~ Jack BennyHmmm. There's wisdom and power in that.Comedian Benny's comment was probably about pausing to obtain the best laughter. But pausing before speaking is wise in all types of communication. Consider pausing and saying Hmmm in the midst of conversations you have today. Why?Marriage counselor and author Kathlyn Hendricks recommends pausing and saying Hmmm not only because it can help us make time to respond with care rather than react, but also because saying Hmmm truly helps us to wonder, to consider, and to make room for possibilities.Saying Hmmm conveys respect to the other person too. It's as if you are saying, "Let me think about that."When we pause and say Hmmm, we are sending a "Let me think about that" message to our own minds as well. Saying Hmmm can help us meet one another heart to heart instead of going head to head.So whether a discussion is becoming heated, or not, whether it is with a family member, friend, co-worker, neighbor, or stranger, try pausing and saying Hmmm.You might be amazed at what happens.Blessings to all our conversations and relationships.