
"A problem is a chance for you to do your best."

              ~ Duke Ellington

Hmm. I think we all believe, to some extent at least, that we


look at "problems" differently. We


find blessings in every challenge. 

If/when we do ever truly see them as valuable opportunities, the outcomes will be different. 


 will be different. Stronger. Healthier. Freer. Better in so many ways.

But because we are so accustomed to seeing problems as...well...PROBLEMS, we do not yet embrace them as opportunities. We often fear them, deny them, resist them, complain about them, blame others for them, or beat ourselves up over them. We may try to avoid facing them.

Today, let's take another shot at grasping the powerful truth that our problems are chances for us to get it better, to overcome limitations, to clear away stumbling blocks, to remove blind spots and to remove hurts and hates from our hearts.

There are many possible tools and practices that can help us "see differently."

Consider this:

Select one of your worries, one of the things you have labeled as a "problem." Write a brief description of it, fold the paper, and place it in a spot you designate as sacred, or special to you in some way. Intend, as best you can, to release the worry.  Even if it feels "impossible," do it anyway. Do it with faith, even if that faith is smaller than a mustard seed. Ask for help, guidance and grace to recognize opportunities and solutions that lead to something greater. Then use your gift of imagination. "See" the person, the issue, the financial challenge, the threat of loss, the illness - whomever and whatever - in a different light. Remember a time or vision one in which all is well. Open your heart further to love and compassion by bringing to mind someone or something you love dearly, something that makes you smile. Baby animals do this for many people. Go about your day, gently.


Also, let this drawing be a reminder that truly can see things differently. Are you familiar with it? You should be able to see both a young woman and a very old one. While neither is the "correct" or "better" way of seeing, seeing problems as opportunities is the better way for our health, happiness, and success overall.

May every problem in our personal lives, in our country and in our world lead us toward greater love, hope, beauty, and joy. Toward greater courage and compassion too. And peace.

With faith always,
