“What happens when people open their hearts? They get better.”
Let's open our hearts and get better,
better as in healed,
better as in recovered,
better as in balanced,
better as in whole,
better as in more understanding,
better as in more accepting,
better as in more authentic,
better as in more courageous, kind, and empathetic,
better as in at peace,
better as in more excellent,
better in all ways,
as love and compassion flow through us.
So much is possible when we open our hearts and let love and compassion flow through us. We do get better - better and better, in fact - at everything that matters.
Let’s decide to open our hearts today and commit to having an open heart as we enter the new year. Let’s promise to keep our hearts open when we see and hear things that trigger fear, hurt, frustration, anger-every form of upset. It’s in those heart-opened moments when transformations and miracles happen as we respond with loving care and wisdom instead of reacting thoughtlessly, often harshly, making matteres worse.
We face challenges on so many fronts. With opened hearts - and minds - we can address every one of them wisely and triumph with improvements and advancements., perhaps brilliant discoveries and inventions. We have so much to gain now, with opened hearts.