Arnone Photo Gods Chair

Arnone Photo Gods Chair

Focus your attention on the center of this scene in Sedona, Arizona.

Notice the upward protrusion.

Does this Red Rock formation suggest anything to you?

Throughout Sedona, many rocks have been given names

Based on what the formations suggest.

There’s Bell Rock, Snoopy Rock, Coffeepot Rock, and more.

This one is called God’s Chair.

Can you see why?

Whenever I see this rock,

I am filled with a sense of Protection,

Which becomes a reminder of the Presence…


Not just in some heavenly chair.

But everywhere

Out there, far away,

And right here, in you and me.

Whatever you believe about the Source of Life and the Universe,

Consider today looking for the Presence of Meaning everywhere,

Especially in things that feel confusing.

Consider seeking the Presence of Beauty everywhere,

Especially in what may appear ugly.

Consider trusting that the Presence of Love is everywhere,

Especially in situations that seem to lack love.

God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere.” – St. Bonaventure