"Abundance is a process of letting go; that which is empty can receive." ~  Bryant H. McGill

Several of my recent Touchstones have been about letting go of excess stuff - material things and emotional upsets. As often happens, I soon got to experience the topic I was writing about. I was put to the test. Well, as Terry Brooks and others say, "We are constantly being put to the test."

So what happened? And how did I do? 

you might ask.

After finding a few nice deals in a discount store, I carried my bag of purchases into the neighboring department store, which was extremely busy. In the crowd confusion, I somehow lost my bag from the previous store. Retracing my steps, searching the store, and checking with the staff were all unsuccessful. And at the end of the day nothing had been turned into lost and found.

Because the items were things I wanted to give to my grandchildren, I felt upset with the loss, upset with myself, and upset with whomever found that bag and kept it. For hours I could not shake my feelings of disappointment, frustration, and judgment. I certainly was not "traveling light" as yesterday's touchstone prescribed. 

Finally, I remembered that I could think about it differently and bring myself closer to a state of inner peace. I decided to imagine the delight of a parent and child finding an abandoned bag, opening it, and seeing that it contained some things needed by the child for school. To them it might have seemed like something left by a heavenly or earthly angel. They might have felt extreme gratitude and joy. 

Did this happen? I don't know. But I decided to reframe the incident and think of myself as being divinely used. I trusted that whomever found "my stuff" needed it more than I did. Shortly thereafter the emotional upset with myself was lifted.I hope a little girl is happily wearing the oh-so-soft shirt I selected for Alexis.                             

Please know that letting go is not always easy for me.

I'll be continuing to work on it.

Join me? 

Let's see what happens,

especially when we're tested. 

With love,


P.S. - We


rise above circumstances,

be light, delight in life, see the good, and choose peace.