"When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven't." ~ Thomas Edison  There are times we think we've tried everything. At such times we may want to give up, especially if we are overtired, overworked, and surrounded by naysayers. Has this happened to you? Is it happening now? If so, please reconsider. Whether it's about overcoming a hardship or seizing an opportunity, think again.  Edison made at least 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb before achieving success. His claim that there are more possible ways to reach our goals and realize our dreams is based on sound personal experience.Let's remain faithful to seeking and finding solutions to all of our life challenges and obstacles to our dreams, remembering that, when we think we've exhausted the possibilities, the truth is: We have not. There are more. The best is yet to be.With love, joy, and wisdom,Charlene#dreams #seizing opportunities #perseverance #commitment #Edison