
"Seeing things from a different point of view can help us understand why other people act the way they do."

      ~ Sean Covey

I've been thinking a lot about how we would all benefit if we strengthened our willingness and ability to "see differently."

"Do you see what I see?"

The Little Drummer Boy lyrics go.

"Do you hear what I hear?"

The thing is: We don't ever see and hear exactly like someone else does. We come close in some cases. Or, we seem to because our opinions match.

I have posted on the topic several times because, instead of lamenting about growing divisiveness, we can proactively work toward building greater understanding, respect, cooperation and peace among us.  

Let's practice this in a light, fun way today. At least three times - or as often as you wish - change your physical position with someone. Exchange seats at the dinner table, on a sofa, standing and talking, in a car - get the idea?  

Notice how you literally "see differently" with your eyes. 

Wishing us new ah-has,
