bird at pond

bird at pond

"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience, said Ralph Waldo Emerson. "Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day," wrote A.A. Milne.

As I rush toward leaving home to go on a personal retreat, I'm holding these quotes in mind. Wise advice, both of them. Lately my pace has been more like a hurricane wind than a tree growing or a river flowing or the swimming turtle I saw in the pond near my home this morning.

How has your pace been this summer? Whatever your pace, I invite you to practice "unconditional friendliness" toward yourself and what is in your life right now.

weather conch

weather conch

Unconditional friendliness. Like the quotes above, I'm holding this expression like a touchstone as I aim to be compassionate and not judge myself for once again letting things get out of balance and swing wildly like a conch shell hanging from a string on tree during high winds.

I hope you enjoy the playful lightness of this "Official Weather Conch" photo, taken on a vacation a few years ago, and feel the love with which this post is written.