Tree in a meadow

Tree in a meadow

"If you look closely at a tree you'll notice its knots and dead branches, just like our bodies. What we learn is that beauty and imperfection go together wonderfully." ~ Matthew Fox

I have often used polished stones as a way to demonstrate this message about beauty and imperfection.

When I give polished stones away at school presentations and workshops, I invite everyone to look closely and notice all the little nicks and scratches on the stones. Yes, they are strong and beautiful - the agates, the ambers, the amethysts, the apache tears, and the aquamarines, to name just a few. And, they are not perfect. Like us.

Colorful polished stones in circle

Colorful polished stones in circle

Another take-away from the stones is this: the stones come in all different colors,shapes, and sizes. Like us.And they are all beautiful. Like us.

Today and every day, let's focus on the good and the beautiful in ourselves, others, and the world.

From a recovering perfectionist...

With love and compassion, Charlene