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“Stretching your body and mind is essential to avoid rigidity.” - Haresh Sippy

This reminds me of what a fourth-grade girl said when I visited school children in Soldatna, Alaska. 

I have talked with students in classrooms around the country about The Twelve Gifts. Our discussions always include my asking the girls and boys about the mix of abilities, interests, and strengths that make up their unique gift of talent. 

One hand shot up faster and higher than the rest. "I'm flexible," the girl said. Perhaps because she looked lithe and limber, instead of wisely asking her to tell me more, I asked her if she did yoga.

"I do," she said, "But what I meant is that I'm good at accepting change and adapting to it. I'm willing to change my thinking and how I react to things."

Wow! And yes! A fourth-grader said that!

I was surprised, humbled, and awed at the degree of maturity and wisdom that young lady demonstrated.

She's become a touchstone for me, reminding me to be open-minded and flexible. Open-hearted and willing to stretch, too. In every way. In fact I wrote about her in "A Bamboo Concert," one of the stories in The Twelve Gifts from the Garden.

Like that child, let's stretch our muscles and our minds.

And like giraffes reaching for tasty nutrition, let's reach for sweet sustenance for our souls and stretch toward all that is good, beautiful, and just.   

Consider these words from human potential thought leader, Bryant McGill:

"Thank you adversity. Oh, how we stretch and grow in the shadows of darkness just to reach the light.” 

Let's recognize the wisdom of being flexible and stretching toward light and love - toward greater understanding and respect among us, too.

Consider using an image of a giraffe or the story of the child as a reminder. And hold hope.


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