
“Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul.” ~Oscar Wilde 

A few days ago I wrote about the power of music on our hearts and souls. I learned that the ukulele is one of the sounds of happiness. Since then I've learned that the scent of honeysuckle is known for stirring happiness. It's known for treating nostalgia too. Funny thing, for me it causes nostalgia.

Curious about these claims, I got a bottle of honeysuckle water. The scent brought me back to my childhood, when I smelled the real thing, and to my teen years when I splashed honeysuckle water behind my knees. It triggered happiness then and it does now too.

What scents stir your joy now? What sights? Notice what soothes your soul today. Notice how joy follows gratitude. 

While letting our senses nurture our souls, let's let our souls guide our way.

Toward peace,

May you see the world with wonder. And may peace wash over you. - from The Twelve Gifts for Healing
