“I think that inside every adult is the heart of a child. ”
Have you ever felt comforted and encouraged after seeing hearts in unlikely places?
Hearts have a way of appearing anywhere and everywhere, including cloud formations, burnt toast, patches of dog fur, and pony faces. In fact, there are greeting cards and posters featuring such hearts. And there are stories about grief softened and hurts healed by heart-art, especially hearts found in nature.
Yesterday morning I spotted a heart on a frosted window in my home. Through a small section of heart-shaped clear glass in the lower right corner of the window, I saw garden greenery. The rest of the window was opaque. The sight stirred me to child-like delight and a sense of increased hope.
I then remembered hearing about a school program that began with students photographing hearts for Valentine's Day. Collecting heart pictures led to the students giving their images to others and on to giving from their hearts by helping one another and being kind. They called it "Giving Heart."
Like Shigeru Miyamoto, I believe that inside every one of us is the heart of a child - the child we once were. And the love in our child heart naturally wants to share, be kind, forgive, and give.
Let's not wait for Valentine's Day - or any other occasion or reason - to look for hearts and to give from our hearts. Let’s give today, now.
With love,